#1 程序界面如^14020501a^
#1 设计思路:
首选通过CommonDialog控件选择图形文件,然后显示在Picture1上(注意:Picture1的AutoRedraw属性要设为True,AutoSize属性要设为True):Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(CommonDialog1.FileName),然后设置分辨率(res=200),再设置坐标,把两个Picturebox的绘图区都设成长宽均为分辨率大小的坐标:Picture1.Scale(0,0)-(res,res),Picture2.Scale(0,0)-(res,res),当点击“开始转换”按钮时,将左图坐标(I,J)的点画到右图上:
For I=1 to res
For j=1 to res
next j
next I
#1 程序代码:
Dim res As Integer '定义分辨率为全局变量
Private Sub Command2_Click() '点击“选择文件”按钮
CommonDialog1.filename = “”
Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(CommonDialog1.filename)
CommonDialog1.Filter = “(*.jpg)|*.jpg|(*.bmp)|*.bmp”
CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = “打开图形文件”
CommonDialog1.Action = 1
Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(CommonDialog1.filename)
End Sub
Private Sub command3_Click() '点击“批量转换”按钮
On Error GoTo errorhandler
CommonDialog1.filename = “”
Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(CommonDialog1.filename)
CommonDialog1.Filter = “(*.jpg)|*.jpg|(*.bmp)|*.bmp”
CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = “打开图形文件”
CommonDialog1.Action = 1
Dim i,j,w,h,pd As Integer
Dim filelen, k As Integer
Dim filename As String
filelen = Len(CommonDialog1.filename)
pd = MsgBox(“是否按默认设置?”,vbYesNo,“选择框”)
If pd = 7 Then
w = InputBox(“请输入转换后的图形宽:”,“输入框:”,,0,0)??
If w < 50 And w > 200 Then
GoTo handler
End If
h = InputBox(“请输入转换后的图形高:”,“输入框:”,,0,0)??
If h < 50 And h > 200 Then
GoTo handler
End If
Picture2.Width = w * 15.3
Picture2.Height = h * 15.3
End If
For k = 1 To 10
filename = Left(CommonDialog1.filename, filelen - 5) & Trim(Str(k)) &- Right(CommonDialog1.filename,4) '批量载入pic1,pic2,……pic10
Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(filename)??
Picture1.Scale (0,0)-(res,res)
Picture2.Scale (0,0)-(res,res)??
For i = 1 To res
For j = 1 To res
Picture2.PSet (i,j),Picture1.Point(i,j)
Next j
Next i
SavePicture Picture2.Image,Left(CommonDialog1.filename,filelen - 5) & Trim(Str(k)) &- “.bmp” '批量保存文件
Command4.Caption = filename
'Picture1.Visible = True
'Picture1.Picture = Picture2.Picture
Next k
Command4.Caption = “转换完毕”
MsgBox (“文件不存在或存在错误!”)
If w < 50 And w > 200 Or h < 50 And h > 200 Then
MsgBox “你输入的数字不对!”
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()?煟?
res = 200 '设置分辨率为200
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click() '点击“开始转换”按钮
Dim i,j,w,h,pd As Integer
pd = MsgBox(“是否按默认设置?”, vbYesNo,“选择框”)
If pd = 7 Then
w = InputBox(“请输入转换后的图形宽:”,“输入框:”,,0,0)??
If w < 50 And w > 200 Then
GoTo handler
End If
h = InputBox(“请输入转换后的图形高:”,“输入框:”,,0,0)??
If h < 50 And h > 200 Then
GoTo handler
End If
Picture2.Width = w * 15.3
Picture2.Height = h * 15.3
End If
Picture1.Scale (0,0)-(res,res)??
Picture2.Scale (0,0)-(res,res)
For i = 1 To res
For j = 1 To res
Picture2.PSet (i,j),Picture1.Point(i,j)??
Next j
Next i
SavePicture Picture2.Image,Left(CommonDialog1.filename,filelen - 5) & Trim(Str(k)) &- “.bmp”
If w < 50 And w > 200 Or h < 50 And h > 200 Then
MsgBox “你输入的数字不对!”
End If
End Sub??