使用轮廓字体(Using TrueType Fonts)

Author: 方风波 Date: 1997-01-01

  If you use TrueType Fonts in your documents,Windows and all Windows-based applications display the fonts on the screen exactly as they appear when printed-there is no need to install matching screen fonts. In addition,when you use TrueType fonts,your documents become more portable:The fonts look the same printed on different printers,as long as you use the same application and print at the same resolution.
  Note:If you print at a different resolution or print a document from an older application,line and page breaks might change.
  Several TrueType fonts are installed automatically when you set up Windows. They are immediately available to your printer and to the applications(such as Write and Paintbrush) included with Windows. In these applications,TrueType fonts appear with a TT symbol next to them in the Font list in the Fonts dialog box. If you purchase additional TrueType fonts,you can add them to Windows and your Windows-based applications by using the Fonts option in Control Panel.