
Author: 陈炜先 Date: 1997-01-01

  5 cls:locate 10,25:print ”霓虹灯广告牌”
  10 screen 8
  20 for i=1 to 15
  30 for m=1 to 2
  40 if m=2 then a$=” ”:goto 55
  45 a$=chr$(177)
  50 color i,0
  55 if i mod 3=0 then x1=71:x2=10:k=-1:goto 70
  60 if i mod 3=2 then 80
  65 x1=10:x2=71:k=1
  70 for x=x1 to x2 step k
  75 if i mod 3=2 then 90
  80 for y=5 to 17
  85 if i mod 3=2 then 65
  90 if x=12 or x=13 or x=16 or x=17 then if y<12 or y>15 then 400
  100 if x=14 or x=15 then if y<10 or y>13 then 400
  110 if x=20 or x=21 or x=28 or x=29 or x=36 or x=37 then 400
  120 if x=44 or x=45 or x=52 or x=53 or x=64 or x=65 then 400
  130 if x>23 and x<28 then if y>6 and y<10 then 400
  135 if x>23 and x<28 then if y>11 and y<16 then 400
  140 if x>31 and x<36 then if y<16 then 400
  150 if x=40 or x=41 then if y>6 and y<16 then 400
  160 if x=42 or x=43 then if y>8 and y<12 then 400
  170 if x=48 or x=49 then if y>6 and y<16 then 400
  180 if x=56 or x=57 or x=60 or x=61 then if y<7 or y>10 then 400
  185 if x=58 or x=59 then if y<9 or y>12 then 400
  190 if x>67 and x<72 then if y>6 and y<10 or y>11 and y<16 then 400
  300 color i,0
  310 locate y,x:print a$
  400 if i mod 3=2 then 415
  405 next y
  410 if i mod 3=2 then 425
  415 next x
  420 if i mod 3=2 then 405
  425 for t=1 to 20000:next t
  430 next m,i
  440 end