翻译;Structured Programming
This is the art of writing Programs that are logial and casy to fellow,it inrolves the sectioning of the original Problem into smallprogram cunis each of which is seof contuined and can be tested separately.the nueinprogram can then consist of a series of instructions each sendiny the computer to a particulur unit or subcutine which it canies out and then return.Inaddition instutions such as for…NEXT、REPEAT…VNTIL and DO…WHILE…allow easy structuing in progrum writing with a top down approach the program is written in unit in the same way as the problem was riginally solved and it can be argned the flow charts are not required with this methed,However the programming needs to be extremely well structured to work first time withont them:
这是一种逻辑的,易于跟踪的编程方法,它是把原好问题分成自组织的可分别调试的子程序单元。这样主程序可以由系列“指令”组成,每条“指令”把一个特定单元式“子例 ”送给计算机执行并返回。另外有FOR…NEXT、REPEAT、VNTIL和DO…WHILE…等指令使程序的结构简单,使用“自顶向下”的方法时,程序就象问题初好解决时那样写成许多个单元,并且可以证明使用这种方法时不再需要“流程图”,但第一次不用流程图时编程需要特别好的结构组织。