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当前位置:电脑报电子版 > 1999 年 > 30 期 > 综合报道 > T9906“请你翻译” |
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《 T9906“请你翻译” 》 |
T9905“请你翻译”参考译文: 超文本传输协议 超文本传输协议(HTTP)是在万维网上交换传输文件(包括文本、图形、图像、声音、视频和其它多媒体文件)的一系列规则。相对于作为因特网信息交换基础的TCP/IP协议族来说,超文本传输协议是应用层协议。 顾名思义,超文本传输协议的部分重要概念包括:文件可以包含指向其它文件的参照链结,选择该链结将发出另外的传输请求。任何Web服务器除了存放有它希望发布的HTML和其它文件之外,都运行着一个HTTP守护进程,该程序被设计成等待HTTP请求,并在请求到来时处理它们。你的Web浏览器是一个HTTP的客户端,由它将请求发送到服务器。当浏览器的用户“打开”一个Web文件(输入一个统一资源定位器URL)或则点击一个超文本链结的时候,浏览器就构造一个HTTP请求并将它发送到由URL指定的因特网协议(IP)地址。运行在目标服务器上的HTTP守护进程接收到请求,经过必要的处理,传回被请求的文件。 最新版本的超文本传输协议是HTTP 1.1。 顾斌等十位读者获得了这次“T9905请你翻译”的奖品:北京实达铭泰计算机应用技术开发公司提供的《东方快车2000》标准版!希望大家继续参加我们的“请你翻译”活动,争取获奖!请大家在翻译稿(包括平信和电子邮件)中写明自己的姓名及详细通讯地址,以便我们在你得奖后给你寄奖品。还要请大家在信封的正面或者电子邮件的“主题(subject)”上写明“T99X请你翻译”,以免你的稿件被放到其它版块的来信中,耽误审稿、抽奖的时间。(以E-mail投稿的读者请将翻译稿件寄到advice@cpcw.com这个邮箱。) 获奖读者: 西安 顾 斌 北京 张 鹏 河北 李国强 辽宁 除丽芳 上海 杨 勇 四川 陈 芳 河南 陈 爽 宁夏 杜立平 江苏 吕文良 陕西 王 兵 T9906“请你翻译”题目: User Interfaces Wen using personal computer software,you will interact with the user interface——the software that is responsible for passing information to and from the person using a program.As an analogy,think of a car as a system for providing personal transportation.Some components of the car——the engine,the transmission,the wheels,and so on——provide the basic means of transportation.Other components of the car,including the steering wheel,the brake and gas pedals,and the instrument panel,provide the means for controlling the operation of the car.Those components can be thought of as the car's user interface. In software,the user interface provides a running dialog between the computer system and the user.Its purpose is to allow the user to communicate with and control the computer.It takes requests from a user and passes them to other parts of the program that perform the actual processing tasks.It also provides feedback to the user while the software is running and provides output from the results of the processing tasks. Although communication and control are the two fundamental concepts on which user interfaces are based,different computer systems use them in diffent ways.As a consequence,you will find a wide variety of user interfaces as you begin to use personal computers.For example,the user interface of and Apple Macintosh s entirely different from that of an IBM Personal Computer.On the Macintosh,the user interface is cleverly presented as a series of pictures(icons)to indicate functions.A mouse is used to select them.On a traditional IBM personal Computer,the user interface is presented as a prompt with a blinking cursor.You enter commands or data by typing on the keyboard. |
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