DigiCash公司提供称为“eCash”的电子现金。下面是eCash工作原理:顾客或商家同参与数字现金的银行签署协议后,就会获得“钱包”软件以便安装在计算机上。通过这个软件你可以下载“电子硬币”到你的硬盘上。你用银行账户或信用卡上的存款来购买电子硬币。当你在一个接受eCash的Web商店买东西的时候, 你只需要点击“用eCash支付”的按钮。 Web商店的软件生成一个支付请求清单,列出商品、价格和日期。你可以接受或拒绝它。当你接受以后,钱包软件从你的“钱包”中减去成交的金额,并生成一个付账记录发往银行,经过验证后自动存入商家的账户中。所有的一切只需要几秒钟时间。当商家得到通知后就可以发货了。
谢 亮 广州 高龙军 陕西 施雪峰 山东
韩冬梅 山西 彭春江 江西 陈祖荣 浙江
华蕾蕾 上海 李元一 重庆 周疆明 新疆
杨 望 广东
以上读者获得了这次“T9902请你翻译”的奖品:北京实达铭泰计算机应用技术开发公司提供的《东方快车2000》标准版。本期翻译中“Cash”一词的本意是:“现金或兑现”的意思。在这里应作“现金”解释。很多读者把这个词翻译成“数字货币”这就不够准确;还有一些读者把“Digital Cash”翻译成“数字化兑换”,这又和内容不相符。下期的题目可有些专业,这可是对大家挑战哦,预祝能大家过关斩将,胜利获奖!
Workflow is the tasks, procedural steps, organizations or people involved, required input and output information, and tools needed for each step in a business process. A workflow approach to analyzing and managing a business process can be combined with an object-oriented approach, which tends to focus on documents, data, and databases.
In general, however, workflow management focuses on processes rather than documents. A number of companies make workflow automation products that allow a company to create a workflow model and components such as online forms and then to use this product as a way to manage and enforce the consistent handling of work. For example, an insurance company could use a workflow automation application to ensure that a claim was handled consistently from initial call to final settlement. The workflow application would ensure that each person handling the claim used the correct online form and successfully completed their step before allowing the process to proceed to the next person and procedural step.
A workflow engine is the component in a workflow automation program that knows all the procedures, steps in a procedure, and rules for each step. The workflow engine determines whether the process is ready to move to the next step. Some vendors sell workflow automation products for particular industries such as insurance and banking or for commonly-used processes such as handling computer service calls. Proponents of the workflow approach believe that task analysis and workflow modeling in themselves are likely to improve business operations. |